Summer at Eco-Odyssee

KITC would like to welcome back guest blogger, Stephen Johnson. Stephen Johnson is an Ottawa writer who loves to write about family travel. During the summer, you will most likely find him and his family at a local fair or festival. During a non-pandemic winter, a beach in Mexico is a likely bet.

The theme of summer 2021 has been staycation  - and we are loving it! The next destination on our staycation exploration was Eco-Odyssee.  Eco-Odyssee may be familiar to many Ottawa residents. The unique water maze has been open since 2008 and has been very popular.    

Eco Odyssey2.jpg

We arrived on-site and checked in with the staff. We had originally been scheduled to explore the water maze by paddle boat. The staff saw the height of our son and recommended we try a canoe.    

Heading down to the dock, I was happy we had gone with the canoe. The paddle boat would have been perfect for eight year old David but not thirteen year old David. We assembled into the canoe and were off on our adventure.  

I haven’t steered a canoe in about twenty years. The last time I did it didn’t turn out so well with myself and the canoe ending upside down! I was pleased to see the water at Eco-Odyssee was very calm.   

Eco Odyssey1.jpg

For those who have not visited Eco-Odyssee, it is a vast water labyrinth that can be explored by canoe or paddle boat. Upon entering the labyrinth it felt like we had entered another world. The closest I could describe it is to a jungle river. We were treated to a green landscape on every side. It was a chance to enjoy plants and wildlife that could not be so easily explored on land.   

David had spotted his first frog within about two minutes of us canoeing. At first,  Sandy and I probably looked like we had a bit too much to drink as our canoe wove from side to side. Rest assured,  no alcohol was involved. It was just the fact neither one of us had been in a canoe in a long time.  

A person has the option to explore the course by following an adventure with clues to be found. Honestly, we found it a lot of fun just to meander around checking out different paths and looking for wildlife. We got ourselves lost a few times but that was part of the fun.  

Eco Odyssey3.jpg

David said he must have seen at least twelve frogs during our experience.  I did not see one.   

We arrived back at the dock and wanted to check out more of the Eco-Odyssee site. The park does offer accommodation on-site even though I am sure they are most likely booked for this summer. They also have a new multimedia show in the night-time called Eco Noctura. The show is projected against the rocky face of a cliff with screenings in French and English.  

The screenings were a little too late for us this time but we plan to return in September when dusk comes much faster.  During the winter,  Eco-Odyssee is planning to turn their water maze into a huge outdoor skating area.  

We certainly plan on returning to Eco-Odyssee for another eco-friendly adventure!     

For more information about Eco-Odyssee visit,

Owls Rendez-Vous at the Canadian Museum of Nature

I’ve always loved owls. Our home backs onto a ravine and I’ve been lucky to spot a couple of owls over the years, and recently found a feather which I think comes from the Barred Owl. So when I was invited to see the new owl exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Nature, I jumped at the chance!


We visited on opening morning with other media, and it was a bright and sunny day. The owls were all awake and active, except the Barn Owl (an endangered species in Ontario), who was having a little snooze. She was my daughter’s favourite, as her face was beautiful and serene.


This new permanent exhibit was created in partnership with Little Ray’s Nature Centres, and presents: a Great Horned Owl, Eurasian Eagle-owl, Barn Owl, two Snowy Owls, and one Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle was rescued after sustaining an injury on the prairies, and having lost one-third of her wing, can no longer fly enough to hunt. We caught her gorgeous sounds on video, and I could have watched her all day!


The enclosures are very large and have a special roof to protect the birds, and all the owls are acclimatized to our changing weather - which means you can visit at any time of the year! There are lots of interesting facts to read about the birds, as well as information about declining habitat, species and conservation.


If you want to go

Don’t forget that presently, capacity is limited at the museum so you MUST book online to get your tickets. Book as far in advance as you can to avoid disappointment. This long weekend tickets were sold out days in advance! Access to the owls is included in your regular museum admission. Masks are mandatory in all areas of the museum, even outside while viewing the owls.

Don’t forget the museum’s free hours on Thursday afternoon!


Campfires at Saunders Farm

KITC would like to welcome back guest blogger, Stephen Johnson. Stephen Johnson is an Ottawa writer who loves to write about family travel. During the summer, you will most likely find him and his family at a local fair or festival. During a non-pandemic winter, a beach in Mexico is a likely bet.

One of the things I missed in 2020 was sitting around a campfire with my family. We were too late on the draw to go camping and my condo neighbours most likely would not appreciate a big bonfire in our backyard (and it’s against City bylaws).

This year, I was happy to see that Saunders Farm was offering campfires. The best part of it is that the campfire is already built for you and the package includes six hotdogs and buns, one package of kettle corn, ingredients to make s’mores, roasting sticks and napkins. Sounded perfect to me. 

Saunders Farm Campfire

We arrived on-site and were greeted by Saunders Farm staff. The campfires were well-spaced out and a person could park their vehicle right next to the campfire. When we pulled up our car, the campfire was already roaring. I loved opening up our box containing all the food ingredients. Much more fun than having salad for supper. We found our three roasting sticks and were ready to cook up some hot dogs. 

I was happy to see the hot dogs were jumbo sized and were not the type to easily fall off the stick. David, Sandy and I roasted up our dogs and worried about our diet for another day. 

Before starting on the s’mores, we took some time to relax and just take in the scenery. We were on a large open field with forest surrounding us. There were about twelve other groups enjoying campfires as well. Kids were running around, families were laughing, everyone was just having a great time. The campfires were so well spaced that the noise from one group did not interfere with the enjoyment of another. It also helped that we had clear skies, little wind and very few mosquitoes!

With our hot dogs properly digested it was time to make some s’mores. My wife, Sandy, goes by the adage it is best to burn the marshmallows as they then help to melt the chocolate. At first, I was not sure but did not object and she helped me make the perfect s’more. Our son, David, was more than happy to burn the marshmallows. By the end, we were a well-oiled s’more factory machine. 

The best part was that even after eating hot dogs and making s’mores, we still had more than an hour to enjoy the campfire. I am the type of person that enjoys having a roaring bonfire. In order to add wood, we had to ask a Saunders Farm employee to stoke the fire. I totally understand as I am sure Saunders Farm probably does not want their guests burning down the farm. Staff were always easy to find and went the extra mile taking a photo of us enjoying the fire. 

David started musing what would happen if you put various items in the fire. We tried a cherry tomato which we got from home. I drew the line when David started talking about smartphones!

Saunders Farm Campfires

Soon enough, it was time for us to pack up and make way for the next group of campfire enthusiasts. I would highly recommend this activity for any family or group that wants the experience of having a campfire but perhaps not the trouble of camping. We were well taken care of from the time we entered to the moment we left. Staff were always on hand to assist with the campfire or any other need. 

Bathrooms were close by and groups were well-spaced out making it a very safe activity. 

A few things to note is a group must bring their own chairs. You are allowed to bring non-alcoholic drinks onsite and can bring extra snacks in case you have a sudden licorice craving. Saunders Farm is also very open to accommodate dietary restrictions including gluten-free, celiac, vegetarian, vegan and halal. It is possible to purchase beverages on-site and fun things like sparklers. 

For more information about Saunders Farm and the campfires, visit,

Stephen and his family were provided with the experience for free but all views are his own.

I Can Survive Anything! Book Recommendations from the Ottawa Public Library

The Ottawa Public Library is back to share some of their favourite books . This month’s post was submitted by Elizabeth Fosbery Richardson, Children’s Programming and Public Services Assistant at the Ruth E. Dickinson Branch.

As we continue to adapt to changing times, we look at some books where the main characters must overcome obstacles to endure. From embarrassing situations to crazy animal antics to avalanches to climate change and war, these books offer lots of inspiration.

Something’s Wrong! A Bear, a Hare and Some Underwear by Jory John

Jeff sets out for his day, knowing something is wrong – but what is it? Something just doesn’t feel right and none of his forest friends have the courage to tell him. Good thing his friend Anders has a plan to help Jeff survive this most embarrassing situation.


Look Out, Leonard! By Jessie James

It’s moving day and Mrs. Shrew doesn’t want Leonard or any of his siblings to get lost. The plan is to have each of the siblings hold on to each other’s tails as they venture through the jungle. But Leonard is quite distractable and doesn’t always pay attention to what he’s grabbing. Follow Leonard’s adventures through the jungle to see whose tail he grabs next. Will it be a snappy crocodile? An angry baboon? A flying parrot?

Pea, Bee, & Jay Stuck Together by Brian “Smitty” Smith

Pea, Bee, and Jay are three unlikely friends that find themselves bonded together after surviving a thunderstorm. The three then must get themselves safely home while encountering more dangers in the forest in form of angry acorns, annoying raspberries, and a frisky fox. This charming new graphic novel series is a great choice for early readers.

Blue, Barry & Pancakes by Dan Abdo and Jason Patterson

This delightful trio of a bookworm, frog and giant bunny are best friends. They share everything, including their triplex. On a beach adventure, during a game of keep away, their ball ends up inside a whale! From there, the trio must survive a meeting with aliens, an erupting volcano, and a flight with a crazy pig. This new graphic novel series is perfect for emerging readers.         

Lost!            Avalanche!    Overboard!   Dust Storm!
Survivor Diaries
by Terry Lynn Johnson

This four-book series each features a gripping survival story of siblings or friends, followed by important survival tips if the reader were to find themselves in a similar situation. The survival situations include being knocked overboard into the cold ocean, getting lost in the jungle, enduring a dust storm, and surviving an avalanche. Perfect for fans of the I Survived series. Grades 3-5.

Bear by Ben Queen

What happens when a service dog loses his own sight? On the questionable advice from some raccoons living under his house, Bear, a golden retriever/chocolate lab mix, embarks on journey into the forest in an effort to regain his eyesight. Along his dangerous journey he encounters all kinds of dangers. This beautifully illustrated graphic novel is recommended for grades 3 and up.

The Last Bear by Hannah Gold

There are no bears left on Bear Island, at least that’s what April’s dad tells her when they move to a remote Arctic outpost there. Then she meets Bear, a lone and injured polar bear, separated from his family because of climate change and rising temperatures. Can April and Bear survive the journey to reunite Bear with his family? Grades 3 and up. A perfect novel for animal lovers and budding activists.

Ground Zero by Alan Gratz

This is the story of Brandon, a nine-year-old boy, who is in an elevator when one of the planes hits the World Trade Center Tower, and of Reshmina, an 11-year-old girl, who lives in present day Afghanistan. The novel is told in alternating points of view between the two main characters. Both children are facing dire situations and the author weaves their two stories together beautifully. Grades 4 and up.

Kids learning to cook with Julianna Banana

Juliette with her strawberry shortcake. We rushed the final step and the whip cream went on to a still warm cake so while not as tidy as Juliette hoped, we were able to share a delicious dessert with family.   [image of a 12 year old white girl sitting at a table with her face down low, behind a green plate with a home made strawberry shortcake.]

Juliette with her strawberry shortcake. We rushed the final step and the whip cream went on to a still warm cake so while not as tidy as Juliette hoped, we were able to share a delicious dessert with family.

[image of a 12 year old white girl sitting at a table with her face down low, behind a green plate with a home made strawberry shortcake.]

Making sure my kids learn to cook from a young age has always been a priority for me - partially so I know they have the skills they need when they move out, but also so that I don’t have to do as much of the cooking while they’re still at home.

That’s one of the reasons that I love that Julianna Banana is all about teaching kids these skills - and teaching them way better than just how to make Kraft Dinner or how to throw a frozen pizza in the oven! :)

Juliette got to try out the Holiday box last December, and this month she got the Summer box (and even made her first unboxing video - see below!).

Julianna Banana aims to inspire kids and families to get baking, cooking and creating in the kitchen all while learning about food, having fun, and gaining an appreciation for the importance of community and giving back.

They provide culinary experiences for kids and families, ranging from Classes to Culinary Boxes for Kids which combine the fun of a class with a collection of kid-friendly recipe cards, kitchen tools, science activities and more.

What exactly is a culinary box?

Finished pizza ready to eat! [image of two 12 year olds standing in front of a patio door at night holding plates with pieces of the pizza they just made, ready to eat]

Finished pizza ready to eat!

[image of two 12 year olds standing in front of a patio door at night holding plates with pieces of the pizza they just made, ready to eat]

This box is a great mix of recipes, an experiment, an activity, kitchen tools, and support (you can join live online classes for some of the recipes!). My two 12 year olds were able to complete 3 of the recipes in a couple of days with very minimal support from me.

The Julianna Banana Summer Box contains

  • A collection of kid-friendly recipe cards and booklet, summer faves like homemade strawberry jam, strawberry shortcake, homemade pizza, charcuterie and more.

  • Locally sourced kitchen tools to get your junior chef cooking

  • Teacher-crafted food science activity ; the science of ice cream!

  • DIY Honey Lip Balm Kits; includes local HONEY 🍯 and Beeswax, tins, plus tags, gift pouch for gifting activity. Make one for a friend!

  • handmade fabric jam jar covers and accessories. Make some jam, jar it and gift it! Recipe, fabric, tags and ribbon included.

  • Julianna Banana Apron

  • Functional storage box to store tools and recipes

  • A complimentary LIVE virtual class August and September (we’ll make Pizza together), recipe included.

  • Recipe notebook and additional kitchen tool, plus FREE shipping to Ottawa provided with Subscriptions ( set of Summer, Harvest and Holiday Boxes)

  • Each one is individually curated and addressed to your junior chef.

A fundamental pillar of Julianna Banana is to support local businesses and to give back to the community. Materials in our Culinary Boxes including kitchen tools and accessories are sourced whenever possible from local vendors. Recipe cards are designed and printed in Ottawa and our Julianna Banana apron is made and printed in Canada.

Quinn adding the sugar to the strawberries as they made the jam  [image of a 12 year old white boy pouring sugar into a large pot of strawberries on a table top burner with a variety of kitchen tools around them and his sister’s arm in the corner]

Quinn adding the sugar to the strawberries as they made the jam

[image of a 12 year old white boy pouring sugar into a large pot of strawberries on a table top burner with a variety of kitchen tools around them and his sister’s arm in the corner]

What did we think?

  • Juliette: Julianna Banana was awesome! It was super fun and I really enjoyed  making the recipes. And the meals were so delicious (the strawberry shortcake was my favourite)! I’ll definitely make them again!

  • Quinn: Julianna Banana was good. It gave instructions that were easy to understand to make yummy meals that are just so good. My favourite recipe was the strawberry jam. I would do it again because it made cooking fun. I recommend it.

  • Mom:
    The variety of kinds of recipes and activities was great! Desserts, something that will last a long time (jam), a main course and things for gifting (jam and lip balm.)

  • I often think there aren’t enough activities that are easy for parents to do with their kid. This would make a great gift for a parent looking to have an activity for some quality bonding time.

  • Aside from a few moments where I had to let go of how the kids interpreted the instructions and let them do their own thing (because I was looking for something I DIDN’T need to be involved in 😀), it was amazing. The kids were able to make 3 very different recipes independently that all tasted delicious!

  • This was the first activity my twins have done together without arguing in a long time, and for that alone it was a great win!

3 jars of delicious strawberry jam made from scratch. Perfect for gifting, or, eating yourself if you’re these two! [Photo of two white 12 year olds standing in front of patio doors with a play structure and trampoline in the background, holding three jars of strawberry jam up while one gives a thumbs up]

3 jars of delicious strawberry jam made from scratch. Perfect for gifting, or, eating yourself if you’re these two! [Photo of two white 12 year olds standing in front of patio doors with a play structure and trampoline in the background, holding three jars of strawberry jam up while one gives a thumbs up]

How can you purchase one

You can sign up for the summer box, a bundle of three boxes, or individual online cooking classes from the Julianna Banana Web site. Summer boxes are ready for pick up and delivery this week!

Individual boxes are $65 and you can pick up at several locations around the city or for a fee have it delivered.

When you purchase the 3 box bundle it comes with free shipping in the Ottawa area.

We love working with Julianna Banana because the kids really do love the resources and all of the people we know who either purchased boxes or have taken classes have found them to be really well done and keep coming back to buy again. We also love that they are committed to supporting local and giving back to local charity. They are currently fundraising $3000 from Culinary Boxes and Classes for the Ottawa Network For Education.

Check them out!

Please note, Julianna Banana is a Kids in the Capital sponsor and we were provided the summer box. All thoughts and feedback are based on our personal experience with the box.