Question of the month #2

Kids in the Capital is all about parents in Ottawa helping each other out by sharing tips and advice. Each month we ask a parenting question and we want to hear all the gems of advice you have to share. Just leave your answers in the comments! And if you have a question you’d like to see in a future question, leave it in the comments too! Question of the month 2:

The first few months of parenthood are some of the hardest.  For first time parents, it's the unknown.  For second timers, it's learning how to deal with a newborn while still dealing with the older kid(s). There's no way to make it easier, but we've all come up with tricks to make things a bit easier.  Here's your chance to share them with others!

What advice/tips/tricks/reassurances would you give to parents of a newborn? What do you wish you had been told as a new parent?