Day tripping : Smiths Falls — Kids in the Capital

Day tripping : Smiths Falls

by Lara We were invited to a house warming party in Smiths Falls this weekend and I decided we'd make a bit of a trip of it and see some of the sights.  I'd heard about the Railway museum there and I figured we could make a stop on our way into town.

The museum is small...  one room with a little playroom to the side, and another small room with some artifacts. I definitely would have to say that the inside of the museum isn't a big highlight for kids (although Kiernan LOVED these wooden animal cutouts which were found all over the museum and in the trains!)


Getting to explore the trains they have on site was a lot of fun (not to mention great photographic material!)

And the biggest highlight... the hand car!  For $1 a person you get to pump the hand car up and down the track. Kiernan loved it, and I admit, so did I!

The museum itself cost $4.50 per adult, $2.50 for kids under 12 and free for kids under 3.  For under $15 we all got in and all got to ride the hand car - pretty affordable.  They also had a multi museum pass for $32.50 for (I believe) a trio of Smiths Falls museums.

Smiths Falls is on the Rideau Canal and there are other museums to visit, not to mention parks and the Rideau Canal locks.  I only wish we'd had time to explore some more as we drove by on a gorgeous day! Only an hour out of town, it makes the perfect day trip!

Lara is the mom to 3.5 year old Kiernan and 1 year old twins Quinn and Juliette. You can find her at her blog Gliding Through Motherhood.

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