An afternoon at the Pinto Valley Ranch

by Brie The girl was invited to a birthday party for a new school friend. She was very excited. I was less excited about the thought of a 45 minute car ride from downtown Ottawa with a kid that has developed car sickness recently. Still, I would have to say that the trip to Pinto Valley Ranch would be worth cleaning some throw up off of her and the car seat. That much fun was had.

(Thankfully she wasn't sick this car trip. I credit a combination of 1/4 tablet of kids Gravol, open back seat windows, great advice from Twitter freinds and being prepared. The fact that she drove with a towel draped over her and clutching a bowl meant that of coarse she wasn't going to throw up. It also meant that in my attempts to be prepared for everything, I forgot my camera. Sorry, no pictures. )

We were there for the birthday party package. We arrived late, but the girl still have a chance to take a pony ride. Or four. I think this was her very favorite party of the whole party. All the kids took turns riding five ponies around a track for more then half an hour. The ponies were lovely and the staff, many of them teenagers, were kind and patient with all the kids.

After the pony rides, and you know the kids didn't want them to end, we were loaded up onto a wagon for a tractor ride through a big field. The driver did all the things kids like, like going over big hills and making the kids yell yeehaw. He had a clear understanding of the interests of 4-6 year olds. We also got to get out and run around a bit. The favorite stop was by the fence where the horses were grazing in the next field. Some of the horses even came over and gave us all a sniff!

The birthday party had use of a large room and it was there that lunch and cake was served. The birthday party package includes a lunch of hot dogs and drinks, which would be my only complaint about the whole experience. Thankfully the birthday hosts brough along some veggie dogs for the girl and any other vegetarians to eat.  Which as good because I had left all of my snacks at home with the camera.

Pinto Valley Ranch would be a great place for any animal lovers. There were tons of animals all over, including dogs, cats and pigs wandering through the yard. During our barn tour we got to see piglets and the kids got to take turns holding little grey kittens. The party finished up in the large pen with the lamas, sheep and donkeys. The girl loved chasing any animal that moved, mostly the sheep, and I kept busy watching where I stepped. (Note to self, next time bring rubber boots for both of us).

I would definitely make another visit to Pinto Valley Ranch. In fact, the visit has made me interested in trying out other opportunities for the girl to go pony/horseback riding. Do you ride? Do your kids? Do you have any recommendations on horebacking riding in or around Ottawa?

Brie is the mom of a 4 year old daughter “the girl” and 2 old son “the boy”. You can read her blog at Capital Mom.