Welcome to Our New Sponsor: Laura Daub - Artist

I’m so happy to have the chance to welcome our new sponsor. After several years of teaching out of her basement studio, Laura Daub has just recently moved to a big, bright art space in the beautiful Britannia Beach area. Even though the studio is new, Laura has been on the Ottawa Art Scene for many years. In fact, the reason we met was that my two daughter’s have had the pleasure of taking art lessons with her for the past few years.

Formally trained in Art and Design, teaching others to love and appreciate art and creativity has always been one of Laura’s passions. She truly believes that exposing children to the arts promotes creative thinking, problem-solving and aids in mastering fine motor skills. As well, she feels that nurturing a love for fine arts in all children allows them to explore their imaginations, express their creativity in all aspects of life and aids in them becoming more well-rounded young adults.


In her new studio, located at 2728 Howe Street, Laura is able to offer so many different ways for both children and adults to connect to their inner artist. She has drop-in Saturdays, where you can take some time out for some creative play and learn the art of doodling and there is also a whole list of classes for both children and adults to choose from.

Between the classes, drop-in art times and workshops, Laura still finds time to offer private classes to children who have a passion for art and are looking to further explore their talents. From personal experience, I know that she takes a very nurturing, hands-on approach with kids of all ages to help guide them in their exploration of many different art mediums. Laura’s dedication, gentleness and passion are infectious and she can truly help those budding artists reach their full potential.

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If you interested in perusing through her gallery, or want to find out more about the classes she offers, please check out her website and connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter. Welcome to the neighbourhood, Laura. It’s nice to see you here.