Welcoming Our New Sponsor: Music for Young Children Orleans

Music for Young Children Orleans StudioKids in the Capital is pleased to announce a new sponsor. The Music for Young Children Studio in Orleans helps little musicians build a solid foundation in the understanding and enjoyment of music.

With so many activities to fit in and so many demands on children’s time, why music lessons? We all know that music lessons can play a very important role in a child's development. Playing an instrument from a young age involves lots of skills - visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic. Playing an instrument helps develop both sides of a child’s brain at the same time, increasing both intellectual functions and physical coordination, patience and confidence. it can also improve a child's emotional development by providing an outlet for self-expression.

In the MYC program, children meet in small groups, in their own age category, once a week for an hour, accompanied by a parent or caregiver who also participates in the program. Children are the center of the whole MYC philosophy and the focus is on teaching music and music appreciation through a multi-sensory approach. MYC Orleans believes that as a child’s understanding of music grows, so will their positive problem-solving skills, self-expression, memory, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Come on down and check out the program. Ask for Lorna and she'll be more than happy to explain the whole program to you. And she speaks from experience as her son went through the whole program.

Registration for the fall is now ongoing and if you register online, you get $5 cash back. Also, with any referral, you get a free movie ticket. Pretty cool.