The CFL is back in town — Kids in the Capital

The CFL is back in town

My husband is a huge CFL fan. He had season tickets to the Renegades and as soon as the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group started taking deposits for the new team they were trying to bring here he put down deposits. By the time we actually went in to choose our seats we had to buy a third one since we had a daughter in between. We've taken my daughter to Senators games in the past but I wasn't sure how she would react to a football game when it was finally time for the Ottawa REDBLACKS home opener. Turns out the kid is a HUGE football fan. She got right into it chanting DE-FENCE and Let's Go RedBlacks. It was awesome watching her and her daddy cheer together as the team pulled out the game by one point.



If you're a sports fan these are great games. The team loves the crowd and the crowd loves the team.


Now, a few things you should know if you're thinking of taking in a game with your little ones:

  • There is lots of beer flowing in the stands, some people drink too much. Not so much in the first game we went to, which had a tight scored but at the second one I definitely noticed it.
  • There will be swearing. I don't think my four-year-old paid any attention to it, but I certainly noticed it.
  • It is loud. If your kids can get into and cheer right along it will be awesome, but if they get scared or nervous around that kind of thing be aware and at least prepare them.
  • It is crowded. There are always people walking up and down the stairs and you will be constantly getting up to let people past you to get to their seats. The stadium can hold over 24,000 people and they've been selling out. If you're child gets nervous in crowds it might overwhelm them. If your child is older have a plan on where to meet if you get separated.
  • It is not cheap. A bottle of water is over $3, a hot dog is around $4, a bag of popcorn is $8. You don't have to eat at the game but if you're planning on it take lots of cash.

Now, loosen up your vocal chords and get out there to cheer on the city's newest sports team. Go RedBlacks!


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