Tips for Adjusting to Middle School — Kids in the Capital

Tips for Adjusting to Middle School

Today on the blog we’re welcoming Misty’s daughter Aylen, who is 12 years old and just started attending middle school. Aylen loves theatre and music, reading and playing Minecraft.

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It can be quite difficult starting at a new school, so I'm here to give you a couple tips and tricks that have helped me. And remember: it takes time to adjust to a new school!

Number 1

Set a routine for yourself. Make it so that when you wake up you're not pressing the snooze button. I find that going to bed early (even if you don’t want to) definitely helps. My parents have also made me realize that having electronics in your room at night does not help because you will often be tempted to watch videos or play games.

Number 2

Take time everyday after school or in the evening to decompress after a long day at school. What helps me is getting a snack, meditating, listening to music, reading and drawing. All those things help to get rid of stress and to relax. Make sure that during this time you are not looking at screens.

Number 3

Don’t delay your homework. You need to get it done on time, which is crucial for giving a good first impression. You can start by using your time in class to start your homework and if you don’t finish it there you can do the rest as soon as you get home. Setting screen time for after homework is definitely going to help. So if you are a person that likes to watch screens 24/7 then maybe you should cut back on screen time.

Number 4

BE YOURSELF! This applies a little more to girls, because for so long there has been this thought that girls need to be pretty for other people - but don’t listen to this! It’s your choice to wear what you want. If you just prefer fancy go for it, but if you’re the type to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt just wear what you want to wear. Don’t try to put on fancy clothes or makeup that you wouldn't normally wear just to impress everyone. You are beautiful just the way you are.

With all these tips and tricks you should now be a little more prepared for starting at high school/middle school!

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