Cycling in Ottawa

KITC would like to welcome back guest blogger, Stephen Johnson. Stephen Johnson is an Ottawa writer who loves to write about family travel. During the summer, you will most likely find him and his family at a local fair or festival. During a non-pandemic winter, a beach in Mexico is a likely bet.

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After my family and our good health, I have been most thankful for my bicycle during the pandemic. This might seem to be an odd statement but my bicycle has helped both my physical and mental health. Since the pandemic started, I have explored pathways both near and far from my house. Here are a few of my favorites.

Many people in Ottawa are very familiar with the NCC pathways that meander along the Rideau Canal, Ottawa River, and Rideau River. I thought I would focus on some of the more undiscovered gems.

Rail Trails

These pathways are aptly named. They are former rail lines that have now been converted into multi-use pathways. The closest rail trail to my house is the Prescott-Russell pathway. This pathway is found in Ottawa’s east end near Blair Road and stretches all the way to near the Quebec-Ontario border for a total distance of 94 kilometres. I can’t profess to ever doing anywhere near this distance. Most of my jaunts are about 10-15 kilometres.

One thing that I like about this trail is that even when all of the trails near Mer Bleue are packed I can be almost alone on the trail. I have noticed a rise in popularity on the trail since the pandemic started but it is still very manageable.

A bucket list trip for me post-pandemic is to take the PR trail near Navan and discover some of the wineries that are located near the trail.

There are a couple of other rail trails found in Ottawa. In the south end, there is the Osgoode Pathway which extends from Leitrim Road all the way to Osgoode. Portions of this trail are under construction near Leitrim as the city builds the second stage of light rail.

In the city’s west end is the Ottawa-Carleton pathway which extends from Bell’s Corner all the way to Carleton Place.

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National Capital Commission Weekend Bikedays

One of my favorite activities during the pandemic has been hopping on my bike almost every Saturday in the summer and cycling along the Sir George Etienne Cartier Parkway. The first time I was cycling on the parkway, I was expecting to be pulled over by a traffic officer or have a vehicle honking at me. Of course, the parkways are closed to motorized traffic during the bikedays so I experienced neither.

I loved the egalitarian nature of the bikedays. You have everyone from lycra-clad cyclists riding bikes that cost as much as a down payment on a house to families teaching their kids to ride for the first time.

Post-COVID, I could imagine bikedays becoming an even more festive occasion with perhaps activities along the way and vendors selling food.

Thankfully, the weekend bikedays have been extended for another season running from May 1 to October 11. Full details about road closures and hours can be found here

Mountain Biking

I must admit, this is an activity I have not tried out but it is on my bucket list for 2021. Our family first discovered mountain bikers when we were hiking in the Larose Forest last summer. All the mountain bikers we encountered on the trails were very friendly and considerate. They also seemed to be having a blast.

Upon further research, I discovered via the Ottawa Mountain Bike Association’s website,, there are extensive mountain bike trails around Ottawa. Larose Forest is located about forty minutes east of Ottawa.

In the west end of Ottawa, mountain bikers can get their fix at the South March Highlands. Reading online, these trails have very favorable ratings for both mountain biking and hiking.

This article only skims the surface of cycling options in Ottawa. There is also road cycling, a trip on the extensive network of NCC and city pathways or just a jaunt around the neighbourhood.

See you on the trails!