Setting yourself up for virtual learning success

Welcome back to Aylen Stacey, a local 12 year-old middle schooler who guest blogs for Kids in the Capital! Have a child who likes to write and wants to share their tips for other kids? Send us an email!

As you all know by know, we will all be returning to the dreaded virtual learning after Christmas break! (Editor note that English boards are already back, but French boards are back next Tuesday January 11th)

Now, if you are a person who doesn't mind online learning then keep scrolling, because this article is probably not for you.

But for everyone else, virtual learning can be stressful for everyone in the family: the kids that are actually doing the online school and even the parents. If you are a parent with younger kids, you’ll likely remember these familiar statements, like “The internet is not working” or “I can't hear anyone.” These tech glitches can get really annoying. There's also the problem of parents needing to go to work, but if they have a young child they can't leave home, so there's the trouble of one parent needing to stay home.

We all need a break from this big mess and I'm sure none of us are too excited at the thought of returning online. But since we have no choice, I’ve come up with a few tips for you.

1: Make sure to treat online as if you were in person. Which means that you can't be doing things that you wouldn't in person, e.g., Going on your phone, watching videos, leaving the meeting, going to do something else etc.

2: Have a good setup and make sure your work area is all clean before starting your class. When your area becomes too messy then you won't be able to do your work or be able to find the things you need.

3: It can be very hard being on screens all day, every day of the week. So to help you cope here’s are a few tips: Take time outside during breaks and after school. Don't have any extra screens that you don't need to have after school (e.g. video games). Give your brain a little break after class; this could mean reading, writing, singing etc.

4: Staying in contact with friends: while being online it can be very hard because you can't see your friends, so to make sure to keep in contact by texting and calling regularly!

5: Remember that it will be over soon, and take it one day at a time.