Easter Memory Making

Leading up to every holiday, I head to the basement and pull out the bin for that holiday. I have a bin for all the holidays - Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Halloween. They started out as shoe boxes or a diaper box, but have evolved over the years to either Rubbermaid bins or clear plastic bins from IKEA or the dollar store.

Our Easter bin is not only full of decorations - a light purple table cloth covered in Easter eggs, glittery pastel eggs on sticks that we put in the front garden, a cute chick garland, and a bunny we hang on the front door - but other fun stuff. We also have plastic eggs in an old egg carton that the kids hide for each other over and over. We have the baskets they use Easter morning for the egg hunt, and plastic water bottles that get stored the rest of the year.

But the best part - and what I'm here to convince you to do - is definitely the crafts from years past. Kids make all sorts of things at daycare and then school, but what do you do with all those things? I've been known to toss some, but I'm so glad I've kept a lot of them. And what better way to store them than with the rest of the things for that holiday?

Every holiday, when we open the bin, we love pulling out all the things the kids have created over the years. I can't tell you how much my kids love this part of the holidays. They giggle over the ladybug craft my son made in kindergarten for Valentine's day with the crankiest picture of him ever! Or paper plate rainbows for St. Patrick's Day they painted as three- and four-year-olds, where the paint is all mixed together so the rainbow looks more like a brown blob than a colourful arc.

We proudly display these things and then they get stored away for another year, only to light up our faces again next year. This is one tradition that I'm so glad I started and we keep up. The trip down memory lane is worth it and so is that paper cup bunny from preschool and the suncatcher egg made with tissue paper.

Do you keep your kids' holiday crafts like me or toss it all? Any fun Easter traditions in your house?

Kamerine is a biologist and mom of two who tries to be organized, but it's hard with the craft chaos that is her life.