A bike with no pedals
/by Lara With three kids who all kind of need help when riding their bikes/trikes we decided that for the twins' third birthday we would get them kick bikes. The idea being that they could self propel without my husband and I needing to help/guide three children constantly.
We headed out to Play Value on their actual birthday (a trip to this store could be a post in itself!) to check out what we could find.
We left with two of these Kiddler bikes:
I'm not going to lie, our walks are pretty slow going. But they enjoy the independence of doing it themselves and Eric and I get to walk without fussing with the kids as much. Win Win I say :)
Lara is mom to five year old Kiernan and three year old boy/girl twins Quinn and Juliette. Between the kids and her social media consulting business, she spends most of her time running frazzled.