Summer is HERE: Ottawa Events Round-Up!

OK, so maybe summer isn't here for another four days, but we're close! It certainly feels like summer. And with only four days of school left (for the French Catholic board), my husband certainly knows that summer is coming ;) As a SAHD, he will be the one in charge of summer fun! With summer comes many great events in and around Ottawa. I've heard of SO many things going on this weekend that I just had to get it all written down and clear in my mind :) I think we'll only be able to pick one or two events to attend, but I'd love to hear about what you're doing!

Teddy Bear' s Picnic

Lemonade Standemonium

Ottawa Dragonboat Festival

Carivibe Festival

Ottawa Fringe Festival

Beechwood Solistic Stroll

Boomerang Kids Charity Strollerthon

Glowfair Ottawa

and of course, we can't forget the Ottawa Farmer's Market!

Phew, that was a lot....have I missed anything?


I almost forgot the ice cream festival! Ice cream is very important :)