Flashback: Backyard playstructures

by Lara We want to hear how you have your backyard decked out!  Will you write a post for us about your playstructure? Your swingset? Your climber? How you make your backyard kid friendly and safe?

We invested in the Costco one and we love it:

Here's a bit about it:

- Costs about $1400-1500 with tax included (I forget exactly now) so it's not cheap.  The wood is really nice quality though and the thing is really sturdy.

- It comes COMPLETELY disassembled.  It took two men two entire days to put together and it was a lot of work. My husband says it's not hard to assemble, just follow the instructions and lay out all the pieces by the number on them ahead of time and you'll be ok.  It's just time consuming.

- It's beautiful

-   My kids are 3 and 5 and they are so comfortable on this structure I get nervous.  The 3 year olds are already walking around the outside!

- Under the house portion is a sandbox that gets used a lot.

- It came with a matching picnic table.

-It takes up a lot of room so if you don't have a fairly large yard you will need to measure and make sure it will fit.

It gets a huge amount of use at our house and I totally feel it was worth our money; we'll get years and years of use out of it.

Lara Wellman is mom to 5 year old Kiernan and 3 year old twins Quinn and Juliette. You can read her personal blog at Gliding Through Motherhood, or get tips on how to simplify social media on her business site.