Phew, what a week! The blog's been quiet while I was away at the Birth and Beyond Conference in London, Ontario. I'm back now, and dealing with all the email and work that's piled up in my absence :)
One thing on my mind this past week was Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has always been a special time for my family. As a child, I spent the weekend up in Haliburton, Ontario at my grandfather's cottage. Cold nights by the fire, marshmallows, canoe trips on the lake, and going for wheelbarrow rides (which ended by getting dumped in a pile of leaves at the bottom of the drive).

We're far from Haliburton here in Ottawa, but we share the vibrant colours and crisp sunny days with cottage country. I'm motivated to plan fun activities for my family to do while I've got three days off. Here's a list of the ideas I've gathered:
1) For families with older kids - a Haunted Village at Cumberland Heritage Village Museum.
2) A hike in Gatineau Park to see the Fall colours.
3) If you're up for a full day, you could pair your hike with a trip to a Quebec cranberry farm.
4) A walk along the Mer Bleu Bog Trail.
5) If you have a babysitter or are kid-free, you may want to get that last round of golf in!
6) The Ottawa Farmer's Market is still open and it's hopping! I'm planning on heading there on Sunday to stock up on veggies for soups and stews.
7) A country fair is perfect for this time of year! The Pontiac Country Fair is taking place in Gatineau Park this weekend.
8) Pumpkin patch! Saunders Farm, Millers Farm, and Cannamore Orchard are a few popular places.
9) Thanksgiving Weekend activities at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum.
10) Help others in need by making a donation to your local food bank!
What do you do Thanksgiving weekend?