Teen Fun at an Ottawa Blackjacks Game

I am a fan of all sorts of sports. I always keep up with the NHL drafts and watched the Copa America earlier this summer. Because of this interest, I love watching games in person. 

When it comes to basketball, though, the nearest NBA games are in Toronto. Fortunately, there exists a Canadian league, the CEBL. Thanks to this, I recently got to see some more local talent at a game between the Ottawa Blackjacks and the Scarborough Shooting Stars in Ottawa.

We arrived at Lansdowne Park in the evening, with restaurants booming with business and a vibrant atmosphere. After we passed through security and to our seats, we watched the Blackjacks warm up while music was playing. After a bit, the national anthem played, and the game began.

Like all basketball, it was fast-paced back and forth on the court, with the enthusiastic Ottawa crowd cheering whenever we got a point and jeering during penalties against us. You could especially feel the admiration of the crowd whenever an impressive play was made. The second period ended on a nailbiter, with Ottawa and Scarborough neck and neck in score. 

At halftime, I went to get some popcorn and soda before heading back to my seat. The game went on, and while the Blackjacks gradually lost the advantage, the crowd remained supportive and energetic. It was nice seeing all the capital spirit. 

While Ottawa unfortunately lost in a final score of 92-79, I still had a great time supporting a team from close to home. All in all, it was a great evening and a perfect experience for teens interested in sports from the Capital region. 

There will also be many more home games in the 2025 season starting in May of next year, with early bird season tickets available until August 16. For more information, click here

When it comes to basketball, though, the nearest NBA games are in Toronto. Fortunately, there exists a Canadian league, the CEBL. Thanks to this, I recently got to see some more local talent at a game between the Ottawa Blackjacks and the Scarborough Shooting Stars in Ottawa.

We arrived at Lansdowne Park in the evening, with restaurants booming with business and a vibrant atmosphere. After we passed through security and to our seats, we watched the Blackjacks warm up while music was playing. After a bit, the national anthem played, and the game began.

Like all basketball, it was fast-paced back and forth on the court, with the enthusiastic Ottawa crowd cheering whenever we got a point and jeering during penalties against us. You could especially feel the admiration of the crowd whenever an impressive play was made. The second period ended on a nailbiter, with Ottawa and Scarborough neck and neck in score. 

At halftime, I went to get some popcorn and soda before heading back to my seat. The game went on, and while the Blackjacks gradually lost the advantage, the crowd remained supportive and energetic. It was nice seeing all the capital spirit. 

While Ottawa unfortunately lost in a final score of 92-79, I still had a great time supporting a team from close to home. All in all, it was a great evening and a perfect experience for teens interested in sports from the Capital region. 

There will also be many more home games in the 2025 season starting in May of next year, with early bird season tickets available until August 16. For more information, click here

David is a fifteen-year-old aspiring adventure and travel writer living in Ottawa.  Skydiving is on his bucket list. David received free toclets to experience this activity but all thoughts are his own.