Introducing Our New Community Manager

My name is Ali Goldfield and I’m happy to introduce myself as the new community manager of Kids in the Capital. I've been a lurker here for a while, contributor for a few months and now I’m excited to join the KIC community alongside Lara and Karen and our team of talented mom and dad bloggers. I grew up in Ottawa, but lived in Montreal and Los Angeles while completing my undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology. Even though I loved the excitement of Montreal and LA, I always knew I wanted to raise my family in Ottawa. It’s a great city to explore with kids and it has a warm and welcoming community for young families. I've been back in Ottawa for twelve years now, happily raising my two girls, aged 10 and 12.

As community manager of Kids in the Capital, get used to me bugging you for contributions to our blog. For nearly three years, Kids in the Capital has been lucky enough to be sharing your stories about what’s going on in your families and all around the Ottawa area. Part of my job now is to make sure that all our readers can continue to look to Kids in the Capital as a resource for new ideas and family-oriented information about about photography, arts and crafts, safety, cooking, raising kids, technology and most importantly – everything there is to do around Ottawa.

So send me your ideas at,  join our Facebook and Twitter communities and let’s continue growing this awesome community together and keep it thriving.