by Karen
I can't remember quite how I found them, but about a year and a half ago I ran across some iPod/iPad apps that are nothing short of brilliant. While I'm okay with Brandon playing games sometimes, I don't want these tools to become primarily a mode of entertainment. So, it made my day to see Sandra Boynton books listed in the iTunes App store. The first one I bought was Moo, Baa, La La La!

The book was so cute and interactive that I bought two other Boynton books practically right away. It was a no-brainer. The apps are less expensive than buying the books at Chapters.

The Going to Bed Book is the cutest of the three Boynton books, in my humble opinion. My favourite part is when the bathroom steams up as the animals are running water to get ready for bed. Brandon wipes the "steam" off the iPad. It's brilliant, I tell you!

Last Christmas, I stumbled upon Harold and the Purple Crayon. I had to add it to our e-book collection for Brandon. The app really brings the drawing part of the book alive.

Another favourite is the Monster at the end of this Book. That brick wall that Grover builds to keep you from turning the page? Brandon gets to knock it down with his finger. How fun is that!? Grover tells the story himself, getting more and more agitated with every turn of the page. It pulls you right in.

By far, Brandon's favourite of all (for now), is The Very Cranky Bear. He was introduced to it at daycare recently and this book has single-handedly changed his whole outlook on going to daycare. It's adorable. If you haven't read it to your child, you should. The app is not quite as interactive as some of the others, but adding any more would likely distract from the story which is too fun to miss. Brandon walks around the house roaring all the time now. :)
I think it's fantastic that book publishers are creating e-books for children like this. It gets them even more engaged with the story and it hasn't taken away from Brandon's enjoyment of a good, old-fashioned bound book either.
Have you ever bought e-books for your children? Does it enhance their reading experience like you expected?
Karen Wilson is a wife to Matt and mom to Brandon (4), who blogs about her life at Karen’s Chronicles. She can be found at Wellman Wilson, helping business use social media more effectively. Lately, she's also busy planning a little conference.